yesyas happy new year! even though it's only been a day i'm already very optimistic, i've managed to give myself some set goals only two days ago and if i work on it this year will be GREAT. i know everyone says this shit but then gives up on their resolutions soon after, but i'm actually determined this time, because i need to get better
what goals and resolutions am i refering to though? some reach like learning a new language, getting muscles or learning a new skill from the ground up? obviously not. these things would be nice to have, but they take more than just a new year's wish to achieve. what i'm talking about it distancing myself from the mainstream internet!
as you can see in the title, i've recently deleted the youtube app from my ipad. i still have it on my phone, but i only really go on it when i'm out in town, so it's fine for awhile. i'm pretty much glued to my ipad screen and watching youtube on it has been an addiction for me for YEARS. i didn't even realize how bad it was. i don't even use tiktok, yet my dopamine receptors have still been fried due to colorful furry animation meme autism, so i need to fix them. i've gotten sick and tired of this lifestyle
i'm only like two or three days in and i'm already starting to feel different. i don't have the youtube icon to compulsively go on, in its place i put the minecraft app. but minecraft on mobile has laughable controls. i can still use youtube on safari, but it's laggy and clunky, so i don't have to worry about being glued to it. same with it being on my computers, it's just not tempting. this is making me more motivated to actually do other things and it makes me so happy, i didn't even realize it could be as simple as this, but here i am
there's so many things i could do instead. obviously drawing and animating, doing my homework (yea ik ew, i like doing maths and informatics tho they're fun), watching shows and movies (currently watching south park and the new squid game season btw), picking up video games and books again, watching tv (yes you've heard that right lmao), touching grass and writing! i'm not much of a writer, but i do like putting my ideas and stories down. because of this i'm probably gonna use notebooks to draw and write my ideas down more lol
ok my hand hurts now, i think i've said all i wanted to say, i'm probably gonna draw and do my math homework now. see ya